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Why Banks in America Are Dropping Kratom Processing?

For many kratom sellers across the United States, recent banking practices have become a significant pain point. With banks increasingly dropping kratom processing, numerous businesses are encountering hurdles that affect operations and customer trust. So, why is this happening, and what might the future hold for kratom payment processing? 

The Role and Challenges of ISOs

Independent Sales Organizations (ISOs) serve as a bridge between merchants and acquiring banks, facilitating payment processing. Much of the current predicament stems from ISOs not fully implementing the necessary setups for these high-risk environments. Some accept kratom sellers without adequately informing banks or aligning with the stringent settings required to navigate the high-risk nature of the kratom industry. This negligence leads to banks eventually stepping back, fearing regulatory repercussions or reputational damage, as they may inadvertently process payments for products under federal scrutiny.

The Hurdles of Identity Verification

Another significant obstacle facing kratom merchants is the difficulty of implementing robust ID checks. Such measures are essential to ensure a legal purchase, as it is required in Florida or Tennessee. However, complexities in establishing foolproof systems can pose compliance risks, making banks wary of providing their services to kratom businesses. Effective ID verification is not just about obeying the law; it's about protecting the business and its banking partnerships from the potential fallout of unintentional non-compliance.

Why Banks in America Are Dropping Kratom Processing?

Legislative Adaptability: A Continuous Struggle

Keeping up with legislation presents its own set of challenges. Laws surrounding kratom are in a constant state of flux and can vary dramatically from one jurisdiction to another. For banks, the effort to continuously monitor and adapt to these changes for a single merchant category often doesn't justify the perceived risk. The dynamic landscape of kratom regulation demands that merchants remain ever-vigilant, a task easier said than done in a market characterized by its rapid evolution and the diverse legal interpretations across different states.

Case Comparison: The Colorado Lawsuit

The recent lawsuit in Colorado highlights a situation with parallels to the kratom industry's struggles. In this case, the state sued a business for allegedly selling marijuana as hemp and not doing ID checks, thus bypassing regulatory restrictions. This situation underscores the importance of clear labeling and ID verification, reflecting similar issues faced by the kratom industry — the thin line between compliance and misrepresentation.

As with kratom sellers, this case shows that businesses operating in spaces with highly controlled substances face intense scrutiny from both regulators and the public. Failing to meet required standards — knowingly or not — has severe repercussions, including litigation and lost banking services.

WAAVE’s Role in Managing Compliance

For kratom merchants, WAAVE offers a beacon of hope. Specializing in compliance-as-a-service and legitimate payment processing for wellness high-risk products, WAAVE ensures business continuity by managing compliance effectively, keeping merchants on the right side of the law. In an environment where traditional banking relationships falter due to regulatory fears, having a partner like WAAVE can make all the difference, offering stability, reliability, and peace of mind.

At the heart of WAAVE's approach to fostering continuity for kratom merchants is the synergistic collaboration with acquiring banks. These institutions, discerning and well-informed, not only grasp what merchants are offering but also have full confidence in WAAVE's compliance system. This trust is not given lightly; it's earned through a shared commitment to transparency and adherence to regulations, ensuring that business operations flow smoothly. With this kind of support, merchants can rest easy knowing that the backbone of their payment processing is both understanding of their products and unwavering in its compliance. It's partnerships like these that exemplify WAAVE's dedication to being more than just a service - they're an ally, standing with merchants every step of the way.


Understanding the 'why' behind the banking industry's hesitance to embrace kratom processing is the first step towards finding solutions. By addressing the issues at their core—whether it's really understanding what ISOs are doing, enhancing ID verification processes, or staying ahead of legislative changes—kratom sellers can begin to mitigate the risks. And with  specialized support from companies like WAAVE, there's a clear path forward for those navigating the intricate dance of compliance within the kratom industry.


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